Data Monetization Platform
Ultimate financial tool that aggregates data across your organization and increases savings via advanced analytics.
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Explore how we can help with advanced procurement analytics using AI, Open Data and your Data sources.

Upcoming Feature: Financial Monitoring and Insights

  • Red Flag:
    Idle Cash in Low-Interest Account
    Identify bank accounts with significant cash balances that are earning below-market interest rates, potentially missing out on higher yield opportunities.
    Increased interest income
  • Red Flag:
    Excess Cash Balance
    Identify cash accounts with balances significantly above the required working capital, indicating potential for better cash utilization.
    Improved return on assets and capital efficiency
  • Red Flag:
    Unhedged Significant Foreign Currency Exposure
    Detect large upcoming foreign currency transactions or exposures that are not hedged, potentially exposing the company to significant exchange rate risk.
    Reduction in foreign exchange volatility impact on financial statements
  • Red Flag:
    Underutilized Credit Facility
    A credit line or revolving credit facility that has been consistently underutilized, potentially resulting in unnecessary fees and missed opportunities for strategic investments or working capital management.
    Improved capital efficiency and reduced financing costs

Upcoming Feature: Revenue Assurance

  • Red Flag:
    Unbilled Services Detected
    Identify customer accounts that are receiving services that are not being billed, potentially leading to revenue leakage.
    Recovered revenue and prevention of future revenue leakage
  • Red Flag:
    High Risk of Churn
    Identify customer accounts that show multiple indicators of potential churn, such as decreased usage, increased complaints, or non-renewal of contracts, allowing for proactive retention efforts.
    Improved customer retention rate and increased customer lifetime value
  • Red Flag:
    Billing Discrepancy Detected
    A significant discrepancy has been detected between the services provided to a customer and the amount billed, potentially leading to revenue leakage.
    Recovered revenue and improved billing accuracy
  • Red Flag:
    Aging Accounts Receivable at Risk
    Identify accounts receivable that are approaching or have exceeded their payment terms and are at risk of becoming bad debts.
    Reduction in Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and bad debt write-offs
Our Customers' Outcomes
Savings Opportunities
Last year, identified
132K savings opportunities worth over
305 million USD
reported by our customers
Realized Savings
Maximum amount of savings, reported by our customer (Government of Kazakhstan)
86 million USD
by utilizing to identify and mitigate procurement risks
Why use
You can't manage what you can't measure
  • -1-
    Data Doesn't Automatically Create Value

    Simply having data and analytics doesn't automatically create value for an organization.

    You might invest a significant amount of time and money in data engineering, reporting, and data visualization, but if no decisions are made and no actions are taken, then it would all be a waste of resources.

  • -2-
    People Create Value
    Using Data

    The real value comes from employees making decisions and taking action.

    A company's most valuable resource is its managers' attention.

    You need to focus business users' attention on the most promising savings opportunities with the highest possible financial impact

  • -3-
    Ensure People Make Decisions and Take Actions

    Automate savings insights generation using various corporate data sources

    A management framework is essential for creating hypotheses about using data to spot and realize savings opportunities.

    And implement it in a workflow tool to track your progress and outcomes.

How It Works?
Connect Any Data Source
The system can aggregate data from various internal and external data sources such as CRM, ERP, DWH, API, Excel, Open Data, and others to gather information about Customers, Suppliers, Tenders, Contracts, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Payments, etc.
Create Hypotesises
Define business rules to effectively manage and scale the generation of savings ideas (hypotheses).

Use our database of savings ideas for inspiration.
Automatically detects savings opportunities
Automatically examine all records and transactions to detect savings opportunities based on red-flag business rules created by users.
Implement workflows
to ensure no opportunity is missed
The system supports custom workflows for managing savings opportunities:
  • assign a responsible business user for each opportunity
  • track decisions they made
  • trigger actions in external systems
  • track the outcomes
Report realized savings
Customizable dashboards to track:
  • How many ideas have we created about how to use data to realize savings?
  • How many savings opportunities were identified based on these ideas?
  • Which ideas showed the best performance?
  • What is the amount of realized savings?
Empower GenAI to save time reading documents
In the age of Generative AI, the system allows the use of state-of-the-art LLM models to extract data from unstructured information (text fields, PDF files, etc.) and help users with complex reasoning scenarios.
Case Studies
Using Big Data for Detecting Economic and Corruption Crimes by Vitaliy Trenkenshu
Join Vitaliy Trenkenshu, Chief Executive Officer of and Enterprise Big Data Framework Alliance Ambassador, as he delves into the challenges and innovations in detecting economic and corruption crimes using big data.
How Active Intelligence approach helps to save taxpayers’ money
Governmental auditors of Kazakhstan are equipped with a powerful award-winning tool that boosts their efficiency and helps them prevent losses in procuring entities from purchasing overpriced products, saving taxpayers money. As a result, over US$ 86 million of taxpayer's money has been saved in 2021
OCP Red flags global webinar
Open Contracting Partnership red flags global webinar worked through the methodology and how to use the indicators to detect suspicious behaviour. Joining up theory with practice, you get to hear from our partners who are successfully using these methodologies in the field. We hope to provide actionable and approachable steps that practitioners from across the globe, from researchers to procurement agencies to fellow data dorks, can take to begin analyzing their procurement data through the lens of integrity
Check the advantages of using our platform for your organization
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